
Ms Xu, Marketing Manager







ASIACHEM Businesses
CTL, SNG & CoalChem Frontier Forum 2017


Coal chemical plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring reasonable self-sufficient rate of China’s energy and chemical raw materials. <Coal Deep Processing Industrial Demonstration 13th FYP> released in Feb 2017 shows that, new coal to liquids (CTL) demo projects include Lu’an in Changzhi, Yitai in Yili, Yitai in Erdos and Yufu in Guizhou, and reserve projects include follow-on project of Shaanxi Future Energy Phase-I, Yitai in Ganquanpu, Ningxia Coal Phase-II, etc.; while new coal to SNG projects include Suxin Energy in Hefeng, Bejing Holding in Erdos, Datong of Shanxi, Yili of Xinjiang and Anhui Energy in Huainan.

Under the background of low oil price, China’s CTL and SNG industry still made series of progress during 2016-2017. For example, Yitai CTL project in Erdos was approved in Dec 2016, Yitai CTL project in Yili was approved in Jul 2017, Yufu project in Guizhou received approval for water permit application in Jun 2017; Suxin Energy project in Hefeng was approved in Oct 2016, Bejing Holding project in Erdos was approved in May 2017. During this period, Shenhua Ningxia Coal 4Mt/a CTL project, which attracts worldwide attention, has also been commissioned in Dec 2016.

Due to persistent sluggish oil price and increased environmental pressure, coal chemical is facing several problems such as economics, overcapacity and environmental capacity. Under this background, development of frontier technologies and high value-added downstream products is becoming the inevitable choice for China’s coal chemical industry. AISACHEM believes that, coal chemical frontier technologies shall satisfy principles of clean, efficient and high value-added, which at least include the following categories: 1. advanced coal conversion technologies, such as coal gasification, coal pyrolysis and coal to acetylene; 2. advanced syngas conversion to downstream process; 3. advanced environmental protection and carbon emission solutions.

Frontier directions of syngas downstream include syngas to ethanol, syngas to oxalate to innovative downstream products, methanol & formaldehyde to MEG, syngas one step to olefins, etc.; carbon emission reduction technologies include CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, CO2 hydrogenation to gasoline, CO2 reforming of methane to syngas, etc.; advanced environmental protection technologies include wastewater zero emission & mixed salt utilization, photocatalysis of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur and hydrogen, etc. Besides, methanol to methyl methacrylate and acetylene method of coal to olefins technologies also have very bright development prospect.

CTL, SNG & CoalChem Frontier Forum 2017 will be held on Dec 20 in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China. The upcoming conference will discuss development status & capacity outlook of CTL & SNG projects, directions of high value-added products for CTL & coal chemical downstream, advanced coal gasification, coal pyrolysis & coal to acetylene technologies, syngas to oxalate to innovative downstream products, advanced syngas downstream technologies – ethanol, methanol & formaldehyde to MEG, syngas one step to olefins, high value-added utilization of CO2 – methanol reforming, hydrogenation to methanol, hydrogenation to gasoline, coal to methanol to high value-added fine chemicals technologies, etc.



1.Development Status & Capacity Outlook of CTL & SNG Projects

2.Direct CTL or Coal/Oil Co-processing to High Grade Oil Products Technologies

3.F-T Synthesis High Added Value Chemicals – α-olefins, F-T wax and solvent oil

4.Syngas One Step to Olefins - Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis to Olefins (FTO), Core-Shell Composite Catalyst Route

5.Syngas to Oxalate to Innovative Downstream Products: PGA, Oxamide, Methyl Glycollate & Diphenyl Carbonate

6.Syngas to ethanol technologies: Direct, Biological, & Acetate Routes

7.CO2 Utilization: Methane Reforming, Hydrogenation to Methane, Hydrogenation to Gasoline

8.Large Scale Pulverized Coal Pyrolysis Technology & Semi-Coke, Tar, Coal Gas Comprehensive Utilization

9.Syngas through Methanol to Fiber Grade MEG technology

10.Coal to Methanol to High Value-added Fine Chemicals Technologies

11.Advanced Calcium Carbide to Acetylene Technology & Plasma Pyrolysis Coal to Acetylene Technology

12.R&D of Photocatalysis of Hydrogen Sulfide to Sulfur & Hydrogen Process


Dec.19, 2017 Tuesday

16:00~21:00 Pre- conference Registration

Dec.20, 2017 Wednesday

08:30~12:30 Speech

12:30~14:00 Networking Lunch

14:00~18:30 Speech

18:30~20:00 Banquet

Dec.21, 2017 Thursday

08:30~17:30 Business Travel

Download:CTL, SNG & CoalChem Frontier Forum 2017.pdf
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