ASIACHEM launched a new edition of China Coal Chem Monthly Report!


Dear Colleagues,


Please see following content of the latest issue - ChinaCoalChem Monthly Report 202309. If you want to read the SAMPLE version of ChinaCoalChem Monthly Report 202309 issue, please feel free to contact us.


The new edition of 2023 adds a new section of Carbon neutrality (CCUS & Coal chemical coupling new energy), which contains technologies and projects such as CCUS, coal chemical coupling wind power, and photovoltaic hydrogen production. Please see the following table of contents


Table of Contents – ChinaCoalChem Monthly Report 202309

Insight China 4

China Blue Chem to Invest on CO2-to-Starch Project! 4

Power-to-X! Kubuqi 400MW Wind/Solar Power to H2 Integration Project Placed on Line for Publicity 4

100kt/a CO2-to-Green Methanol Plant Put into Production 5

Companies & Projects 6

Huayi Signed Head Contract for AA Unit in Syngas Project 6

Shanxi Yaxin to Build High-End Electronic New Material Project 6

Hengxin Announced to Build Coal-Base Chemical Hydrogen Energy Coupled Low Carbon Industry Demo Project 6

Jiutai Butylene Isomerization + MTBE Polygen Project Received Registration Approval 7

Hualu Hengsheng Started Field Construction of Jingzhou Phase II Project 7

SEDIN Summoned Xinjiang Longyu SNG Project Promotion Meeting 7

CHN Energy Group Initiated Work on Baotou CTO Process Upgrading Demo Project 8

China Coal Yulin Phase II Project Entered Basic Engineering Dash & Ending Stage 8

Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Launched EP640S New PP Grade 8

Hebi Longyu Starts up 60kt/a POM Project 9

Dongming Plastics Submitted 800kt/a CTO Project Environment Evaluation Report for Approval 9

700kt/a Alcohol-Base High-End New Material Project Passed FS Argumentation 10

Hami Guanghui Lean Gas Treatment & EG Commercial Use Project Passed 72h Test 10

Anhui Tanxin 600kt/a Ethanol Project Entered Dash & Ending Stage 10

Xinjiang Tianchi Zhundong 4bnNm3/a SNG Project Passed Environment Evaluation 11

Guizhou Coal-Coke-H2 Combined Conversion Demo Project Scheduled to Start up at Year End 11

Xinjiang Xinye Alcohol-Base New Material Project Passed FS Argumentation 11

Gansu Zhihui to Build 10Mt/a Low Rank Coal Species Conversion Project 12

Donghua Signed Contract for Linhuan Coking Coker Gas Gradient Conversion Project 12

Shanxi Orchid Initiated Work on Environment/Energy Efficiency Upgrading Project 12

Ningxia Coal Industry Kicks off Basic Engineering on F-T Synthesis Off-Gas to LNG Project 13

Xinjiang Zhongkun EG Project Hit Mechanical Completion 13

Anhui Haoyuan Started up Relocation Project 13

Sep Progression of Inner Mongolia Baofeng Construction Project 14

Carbon neutrality (CCUS & Coal chemical coupling new energy) 14

CO2 Polyether & High Performance Polyol Project to Settle in Lianyungang 14

CAS DICP Made Progress in CO₂ Catalytic Hydrogenation to Formate Process Research 14

SPIC Accomplished ICCHP Process Licensing 15

SCCIG Yulin Chemical Announced Kick-off of New Project Long-Cycle Equipment Bidding 15

SINOPEC Received Approval for Single Unit 2000Nm3/h Electrolysis Tub Manufacturing Project 15

CEEC and Shuangyashan City Signed Contract on Mega Size Green MeOH Base Project 16

Shaanxi to Build Green H2-to-Green NH3 and Coal Chemical-Green H2/MeOH Coupled Project 16

Yulin Energy CO2 Electrolysis to Syngas Project Passed Exam 17

Guanghui Green Power and Hydrogen Energy Integration Project Entered Civil Work Stage 17

Wuhuan Signed Contract to Build Fudao CO2 Dry Reformation to Syngas Pilot Unit 18

Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony Uses Henan Shunli Zero-Carbon Methanol to Ignite Main Torch 18

Products & Prices 19

Monthly Coal Price of China Market up to Sep. 2023 19

Methanol Prices in YRD Area in Sep. 2023 19

Monthly Crude Oil Prices up to Sep. 2023 20

Monthly Prices of Imported Methanol, Ethylene&Naphtha up to Sep. 2023 20

Monthly Price for Imported & Exported Coking Coal up to Sep. 2023 21

Monthly Asia Ethylene&Propylene Prices up to Sep. 2023 21

MEG Prices in YRD Area up to Sep. 2023 22

Monthly prices of East China Market Methanol&DME up to Sep. 2023 22

Crude Oil Prices in Sep. 2023 23

New Projects Database 23

New Coal Chemical Projects in China up to Sep. 2023 23

Company Report 35

The profile and SWOT analysis of Henan Energy Group (HE) 35

Henan Energy Group (HE) 35

Technology & Innovation 38

Large Size Coal Gasification Slag/Carbon/Ash Separator Equipment & Process Passed Appraisal 38

Yan’an Energy Chemical to Build MMA Pilot Unit 38

SINOPEC Large Capacity Methanol Synthesis and HT Methanation Processes Passed Exam 39

Aerospace Maiwei Semi-Waste Boiler Gasifier Kept under 200d Full-Load Operation 39

China Coal Yuanxing Company Reforming Catalyst Protective Agent Granted with CP Patent 40


ChinaCoalChem Monthly Report will be launched by ASIACHEM with E-mail on the first Wednesday each month. If you want to read the SAMPLE version of ChinaCoalChem Monthly Report 202309 issue, please feel free to contact us:
